Recent content by BlueOceanWave

  1. BlueOceanWave

    Paris Architecture Style

    Thank you!! I also remember that @Didi mentioned that he know quite a lot about Argentina!
  2. BlueOceanWave

    Paris Architecture Style

    I love the the architecture style in Paris, but I also found that some of its style is in Buenos Aires, does anyone know why this is? And are there other places that have a similar style like Paris?
  3. BlueOceanWave

    On going projects

    oh my god, that's a lot of information, thank you so much! This is super helpful, thank you so much!! :love:
  4. BlueOceanWave

    What is the most popular game in China right now?

    I am checking for some mobile games that are popular in china right now, but there are plenty!! Which ones are popular?
  5. BlueOceanWave

    On going projects

    Are there any ongoing projects of the UN about the Zero Hunger Goals?