Recent content by CupertinoRocks

  1. CupertinoRocks

    Multitasking using Dynamic Island

    I wish Apple could bring support for multitasking using the Dynamic Island. Hold the Dynamic Island to start the app in split screen it drags the app up and then you can select another app from app drawer. If Apple can’t support dynamic resizing of apps like Android does then they could...
  2. CupertinoRocks

    I think Apple could do the Dynamic Island better.

    Literally there’s just a few features like pop-up notifications, showing apps that are running on the background, and most importantly to mask self cameras and other sensors next to it. Apple users have recently said that they use the dynamic island less than they expected, thinking its just a...
  3. CupertinoRocks

    Apple VP leaves company after vulgar comment goes viral on TikTok

    I mean it’s not like they fired him. The video of him became popular and then he leaves the company a month later. A Bloomberg article says it was his decision to leave the company. It was apple employees and apple supplier employees who raised their concerns about his comments because he’d been...
  4. CupertinoRocks

    Tim Cook: Not Too Long From Now, You’ll Wonder How You Led Your Life Without AR

    This is funny, but it also is a glimpse at a strange future. Right now you can tell if somebody is reading from a Teleprompter or notes during a talk, but soon that script will be in their AR lenses. Nothing wrong with reading a script for a speech, but what about during meetings or job...
  5. CupertinoRocks

    Apple not courting game studios is a big mistake.

    This is just my opinion I might be wrong. (BTW I change my mind it’s not a big mistake it’s a mistake) I think that in the Intel days I can understand why Apple didn’t really care about gaming. Their computer mostly couldn’t run games that well and yes, most of their costumers don’t care about...
  6. CupertinoRocks

    When I’m in an Album in my local Apple Music library why does tapping the massive red artist name not take me to the Artists album list?

    Even the three dots at the top right which is Apple’s “if there’s no more screen space left, we put options here” button doesn’t have a ‘Go to Artist’. I don’t know how this behaves when you have the subscription but big red buttons are meant to be pressed and do something. When are we going...
  7. CupertinoRocks

    Dedicated Sports App

    Dude, I was just thinking about that today! I was thinking that the Watch does not have an easy way to track sport scores, unless you ask Siri or have the Siri watch face. The News app actually has a way to see all the scores and schedules, but only for a specific sport. Not for all followed...
  8. CupertinoRocks

    Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes. Don’t use the online chat, call your support line.

    Hi All, Just thought I’d let you know about an issue I had this morning. Woke up, tried to update apps and was given the “Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes.” This has never happened to me before so I jumped onto the online chat and the person literally linked me to the...
  9. CupertinoRocks

    Russia demands Apple explain VK removal from App Store

    Hahaha, love this Russian explanations
  10. CupertinoRocks

    Apple Music Classical app references again spotted in iOS code, when do you think it’s being released?

    If memory serves, they said it would be coming early this year and that deadline has long since passed. They haven’t mentioned it since. I wouldn’t get my hopes up that we’ll see it this year. Edit: if this was the only mention of a release timeline, then I was mistaken about them specifying it...
  11. CupertinoRocks

    Apple News possibly hacked? Someone left a wild message on the push notifications for Fast Company.

    I’m literally only interested in what was said. Yet no one will even fucking tell us. This is the equivalent of “hackers send something to millions, trust us it was bad, here’s them apologizing”. I want to read the news, no matter how “offensive” it is. Fucks sake we can post about toddlers...
  12. CupertinoRocks

    Any spatial audio songs that are not inside the head?

    I really like spatial audio, but only if it feels like the band is in front of me. Currently almost all songs I found just play in the center of my skull. If you have any songs that aren’t like that, please comment!
  13. CupertinoRocks

    Apple News ads are irksome

    By doing what, exactly? Not paying the subscription? Apple isn’t going to interpret that as “oh gee maybe we should stop running ads”, they’ll view it as “this is why we show you ads, so we’re making money off you regardless”. Voting with your dollars is effective for multi-billionaires and...
  14. CupertinoRocks

    New feature? Phone sounds are no longer lowered while on a call

    I think that this is a great change considering I call a lot with my long distance girlfriend. It would be so annoying to be unable to hear youtube video’s or other audio content while calling. I haven’t seen this being mentioned anywhere?
  15. CupertinoRocks

    Apple Watch Ultra

    People have been overdoing it with watches for ages. One of my clients is a chubby small guy who made a business selling fake tactical watches. I believe the best take on the issue is John Gruber’s recent post on Daring Fireball.