Recent content by DailyGenie

  1. DailyGenie

    What image do you guys have of India ?

    The countryside is beautiful, same with the peoples and the culture. But, the major cities are overpopulated and dirty in large parts. That and people sitting on top of moving vehicles when they really shouldn’t be.
  2. DailyGenie

    What should you be doing today, and what are you doing instead?

    either memorizing a bunch of random words and obscure facts, reading the critique of pure reason as a meme, or writing some shit instead i’m just shitposting while watching things in the background
  3. DailyGenie

    Why were you BULLIED?

    r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.
  4. DailyGenie

    Which city is must visit: Los Angeles or San Francisco?

    SF. While there’s some fun stuff in the LA area, you’ll spend hours just getting from one to the next. But, if there’s a particular landmark that you want to see (GG Bridge, La Brea tar pits, Exploratorium, etc) then go there.
  5. DailyGenie

    What ruins a movie instantly?

    Anytime I find myself thinking, “Sure, she’s got nice tits and all, but can we stop the fucking and get back to the story?”
  6. DailyGenie

    What happens if Putin annexes all of Ukraine?

    Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. It doesn’t appear in any feeds, and anyone with a direct link to it will see a message like this one.
  7. DailyGenie

    people of Gsmarthub, do some of you hate your parents? if yes, why?

    Yep. Well, maybe not hate anymore, but they are no longer in my life. They were abusive and exploitative people who raised their kids as an insurance policy for their retirement.
  8. DailyGenie

    Night Shift Workers Of Gsmarthub, Whats The Scariest Experience You’ve Ever Had On The Job?

    …Jesus Christ. Ngl, I’d be throwing hands. No question.
  9. DailyGenie

    what made you instantly leave a relationship?

    I didn’t leave, instantly, but I did check out of it mentally. It was when we ran into a very difficult time and I called him on the phone, crying so hard I could barely breathe, and he laughed. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that laugh.
  10. DailyGenie

    What does based mean?

    r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.
  11. DailyGenie

    What music are you listening to these days?

    Daniel Di Angelo, DXVN, The Weeknd, Doja Cat, Nicki Minaj, Frank Sinatra, and a few others.
  12. DailyGenie

    What would you do if your child was getting bullied in school?

    Channel my inner Kevin, go up there and demand something be done. Because ain’t no one bullying my child but me
  13. DailyGenie

    People of Gsmarthub, what is your dream cereal?

    Hostess cupcakes cereal Hopes as high as ever with the twinkie cereal now released
  14. DailyGenie

    What is the appeal of court shows?

    Pick all the things you like, and imagine someone asking “what is the appeal?”. The answers are generally the same: they like it, it is relaxing, it is funny or engaging, etc, based on their own background, daily life, interests, and habits.
  15. DailyGenie

    What’s your favorite kind of Apple?

    Pink Lady’s, super sweet and delicious! Apparently it’s a hybrid between Lady Williams and Golden Delicious apples. Which makes sense to me as prior to discovering Pink Lady’s, Golden Delicious were my favourite.