Recent content by Maxwell

  1. Maxwell

    Which game console controller do you hate and why?

    For all the family consoles that you have used and played video games on, which one do you find to be the one you hate most? I don't enjoy using Playstation 1 controllers. The buttons are hard and they hurt my hands.
  2. Maxwell

    Debit card or credit card?

    Which kind of bank card do you like to make use of? Would you like to operate a debit card or credit card? With debit card, you can only be able to spend what you have in your account but with credit card, you can spend more and pay back later with interest. I'm not financially strong to go...
  3. Maxwell

    Current or Savings account?

    If you're choosing the bank account you want to operate, would it be a current account or a saving account? It's all down to the purpose of my having the account that's going to decide which one I would go for. If it's for business purposes, I'm choosing current account because it's more...
  4. Maxwell

    How many bank accounts do you have?

    Are you the kind of person that runs multiple bank accounts? What could be the reason why one bank account is not enough for you? For me, I have 3 bank accounts. One is my personal account, one my business account and the other my saving account.
  5. Maxwell

    Are you obsessed with anything?

    From my point of view, obsession is never something that's healthy because it's always going to push you to the point of being paranoid. It's good to care and committed to something but having an obsession over it isn't the best way forward.
  6. Maxwell

    Do you wear perfumes?

    There's nothing that's going to make me leave my house without wearing at least 3 different perfumes. Yes, I'm that obsessed with smelling good. My mentor will always tell you that smelling good is good for business.
  7. Maxwell

    One thing you really hate?

    I hate too much repetition of anything. Take for instance, I hate repeating myself twice when giving an instruction and also I hate it when someone talks and keeps repeating the same thing he's already said over and over again.
  8. Maxwell

    What's your best means of treatment?

    Most illness is either treated through ingesting pills/drugs or injections or even a combination of both pills and injection depending on how severe the illness is. I'm more of a pill person than injection because the latter hurts like hell. My bum is still feeling sore from the one's that I...
  9. Maxwell

    How many kids are you comfortable with having?

    As long as you are capable of taking good care of your 3 children, it's what matters most. I hate it so much when parents fail at their duty and their innocent kids would be forced into foster care.
  10. Maxwell

    What are the best cryptocurrencies to invest in?

    The sooner the coin gets bullish, t by the better for me because as it stands now, I'm in deep loss but I'm not panicking into selling off the coin yet.
  11. Maxwell

    Would you date/marry a younger guy?

    She's the love of my life, in fact she's the only woman that I can trust in this life. If it's possible to marry her, I would in a heartbeat.
  12. Maxwell

    Favorite board games?

    I started playing so many board games when I was still a kid and I grew up loving the game so much. I have played Sorry, Scrabble, Chess and so much more. There are free board games and paid one's as well as easy and difficult one's. What's your favorite board game?
  13. Maxwell

    Do you have a VR headset?

    I have been planing on getting myself a good VR headset but the biggest challenge for me is that right now it's too expensive for me because the one that I'm interested in purchasing is sold around $350.
  14. Maxwell

    Are there fans of Dying Light 2?

    Dying Light 2 is a massive upgrade from the first edition of the game. Everything about the game got better in Dying Light 2, both in graphics, gaming mechanics and duration of the game.
  15. Maxwell

    Do you play video games?

    Video games is a huge part of my existence right now because it's one of my hobbies that keeps me happy whenever I get into it. Right now, I have so many AAA games that keeps me occupied whenever I'm bored.