Recent content by StupidShark

  1. StupidShark

    Do you believe there is depression?

    I'm going to disagree. Depression is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain and medication helps but don't cure. I'm one of the most positive people you'll Meet but yet the medication just keeps me from hitting rock bottom. I think that alot of people misunderstand depression. It don't just...
  2. StupidShark

    What its like to be different...

    I'm going to open this up with a little about me. I'm mentally ill.... I'm very different, special in so many ways. I'm conceridered very high functioning. I don't want to throw lables at my illness like bipolar, ect because every dr names it differently. Only thing they've all agreed on is I...
  3. StupidShark

    Do you have childhood trauma?

    I got alot! I just joined today I'm wanting to use this site to express myself with out anyone knowing who I am. Just bc there's things I wanna share but don't want to 🤣. Hopefully I get this figured out and maybe you'll stumble across it
  4. StupidShark

    Do you believe there is depression?

    It definitely does!