
As project activities influence the budgeting of your project, it is important to gain greater clarity about them. If you know the specifications of your project activities, then budgets can be developed more easily and more frequently. We will understand this from the following example.

Let us say that you, as an NGO in Nepal, are proposing a project about building the capacity of civil society leaders in the country. One of the activities you will mention under this project is:

‘Organize workshops for civil society leaders in Nepal’

Now when you start developing a proposal and look at this activity above, you will find yourself a bit confused.

However, what if you have mentioned the same activity as:

‘Organize 3 workshops for 15 civil society leaders in Kathmandu’

Don’t you think now it is easier for you to develop the project budget? In the last example, you are now absolutely sure how many workshops you need to organize and for the number of participants and you also have the idea of its location. You can quickly calculate the costs based on the above specifications.

Even your donor agencies will be highly impressed if you visualize your activities with greater clarity and mention them in your project proposal. If your list of activities is clear and precise, most part of your budget work is done!
