
Call For Applications for the next cycle of grants for the LEADING FROM THE SOUTH programme to be launched in the third week of May. Call will be open for organisations & networks in 17 countries in Asia.

Leading from the South is a consortium created to resource feminist activism in the Global South and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands. It supports activism devised, implemented, and led by women’s rights organisations in the Global South. The fund is being implemented by four women’s funds in the Global South, of which Women’s Fund Asia is the implementing fund in the Asia region.

Women’s rights organisations in 18 countries (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam) are eligible to apply for this programme under three grant categories. The categories are based on organisations’ size and scope of work.

  • Frontline Defenders grants (small-size grants) are for organizations working at community and subnational levels; the front line of defence against rights violations who are mobilizers of women, girls, trans, and intersex movements.
  • Amplifying Voices grants (medium-sized grants) are directed to national and sub-regional organizations and networks working to advocate with key stakeholders and states to affect policy change, as well as campaigns focused on the human rights of women, girls, trans, and intersex persons.
  • Promoting Regional Feminist Agenda Grants (large-sized grants) for cross-national, sub-regional, and regional groups and networks that are committed to advocating for state accountability, and to building the capacities, knowledge, and leadership needed to advance women, girls, trans and intersex rights.


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