
There are a set of core values that every NGO should adopt when thinking of setting up an NGO. NGOs are voluntary organizations dedicated for a cause and it is essential that they follow a belief system that reflects their approach.

Following are some of the core values, NGOs should adopt when establishing an NGO:

Service beyond self: The very purpose of NGOs is to serve others. Integrating this value in the overall working of the NGO not only makes them socially acceptable, but it also makes them more responsive to take up societal issues. It is essential for NGOs to responsibly take up societal issues and serve the community.

Respect for human rights: An NGO respects human rights and does not violate them in any form. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights endows all human with certain fundamental rights (which includes freedom, equality, freedom of thought, practice a particular religion, family integrity etc.) An NGO should recognize these rights and under no circumstance question or violate these rights.

Maintain a vision: All NGOs irrespective of their size or area of work should maintain a vision for their existence. This simply means that NGOs should have the potential to think beyond reality and envision an ideal society. All the work that is carried out under the NGO should be targeted to achieve the vision.

Responsibility: NGOs are entrusted with a responsibility towards the public and society. As an NGO, you have to take ownership of all activities undertaken by you.

Cooperation beyond borders: Most NGOs work to address existing social ills prevalent in society. As an NGO, you should collaborate and cooperate with other NGOs to foster positive change. An NGO should work beyond borders to achieve its organizational goals in particular and societal vision in general.

Public mindedness: Make sure that the funding you receive is strictly used for society and for the public. An NGO should be responsible and caring attitude toward the environment in all of its activities.

Truthfulness: An NGO should be truthful in its dealings with its donors, project beneficiaries, staff, members, partner organizations, government, and the general public. An NGO under no circumstance should be involved in money laundering, bribery, corruption, financial improprieties or illegalities.

Nonprofit Integrity: The organization should operate as a not-for-profit organization. In case of any surplus generated through its operations, it should be utilized solely to help the organization fulfil its mission and objectives.

Comprehensive viewpoint: An NGO should follow a comprehensive approach towards problem-solving.

: NGOs are formed by private initiative, resulting from the voluntary actions of individuals who have chosen to pursue a shared interest or concern.