Recent content by ash

  1. A

    My dad isn’t coming to my college graduation because he hates my mom and her side of the family

    acceptance is huge in this sort of situation. always clinging on to "perhaps they will change" leaves you carried away in a stream. I guess there is a difference between the person and the idea of that person. so expectations come in to it as well. you could always ask yourself, what do i need...
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    Favourite Iced Drinks?

    I really really like making smooth peanut butter milkshakes with ice cream and milk, blended with the peanut butter. I also like iced coffees. but yes spring water, carbonated is nice too. cold drinks are a real luxury i never tire of.
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    Richest ❤️

    "A beautiful heart can be a great gift", I agree. I paid attention to the idea of God, and whether he wants blessings for us, I suppose as regards myself, I remember reading 'to have something, give it away', words to that affect. And to me that means that the more of something you have, the...
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    Pets cost money!

    That's a really good question. I suppose there are degrees of poverty, for example a homeless person may share with a companion animal, whereas some on a moderate income may find a friend or charity to take over care of the animal. personally, i don't have pets though i love animals. your post...