I do not want to be a career woman. I want to be a homemaker

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Communications Student
Original poster


I (F21) am in my last year of college and I really do not care about my major or getting a job in the field. I’ve been trying to be passionate about something career oriented all my college years, but I can’t keep pretending. I do not care about advancing in a career, I don’t think it will fulfill me. It doesn’t excite me at all.

I want to be a mom and raise my children with my husband. I want to have a symbiotic relationship with my husband where he makes the money and I keep the house. He makes my life easier by paying for stuff and providing for me, I make life easier for him by making the home a comfortable place to live. He will appreciate what I do and I will appreciate what he does. I’m also very good at domestic tasks. I love to clean, cook, organize, grocery shop, tidy up, etc. and I am very good at those things.

I hate that I have to pretend that I give a shit about advancing in my career and that i’m not “making something of myself” if I don’t. I hate that homemaking is not respected. I want to be a mom and a wife, and i’m tired of pretending I give a shit about a career. I DON’T

If you read this far, thank you. i just needed to get it off my chest

TLDR: I don’t want to be a career woman and i’d much rather be a homemaker.
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