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Now first- Laws in different countries doesn´t matter, theories/ personal thoughts/ tip.. are welcome. No hate or anything else referring to violence Plz!!

I have been married 4 yrs, i have one child. Divorced now for 4 yrs. I have full custody (at this moment)/ Xwife is currently in another country, doesn´t call or anything.
CPS in my country has have a hunt on me and took me to court for the ability to take my child from me and put my child in another home, saying i can´t take care of my child since they have the dumb idea that i´ll never read any books to my child (Idiots), i don´t show emotions ( i have an issue where it´s a constant since my father left and the experience growing up has me not show emotions carefree outside with strangers)
Now i have appealed the court to a higher one, but due to vacation times it takes a little longer.
When i had recently moved and the divorce was complete the mindset of me , i was open to have more children in that near future, the sex life died in my marriage 5 months after my child was born, and never got revived. so i had no sex in 5 1/2 years, got no dates. recent date was 247 days ago and it ended in sex so nothing new after that.
CPS in my country has changed my mindset to not wanting anymore children, i feel like i have a target on my back in my name and they have a sniper rifle.
My thoughts now are just quit, sterilize myself, look for erection blockers and move to the woods permantly and completley stop try to find a date and or even sex.
My sex drive is still high but the results is when these days it´s even harder than before to get laid.
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